Kid's Spring Bucket List
We love spring over here at Milk Snob! We wanted to create a fun bucket list for your kids' spring activities because we've finally reached the perfect weather! (Is it too soon to say that??) Here are just a couple ideas you can plan for some fun family memories!:
- Collect wildflowers
- Fly a colorful kite
- Build a fort
- Visit a local farm
- Plant some seeds and watch them flourish every day
- Go on a nature walk
- Enjoy an outdoor egg hunt
- Make some Easter cards
- Jump in puddles
- Blow bubbles in the garden
- Go to your local zoo
- Make some bird feeders
- Go for a picnic at a park
- Go berry picking
- Go to a local baseball game
These are mostly all outdoor activities that will be amazing for your littles to let some sun rays sink in and enjoy the spring season outdoors!